Cory's Shearwater - of the six seen, two birds showed very well, including this bird at arms-length off the MV Sapphire's stern |
Great Shearwater - we had at least 70 of these. Many came very close... |
Manx Shearwater - about 20 were seen, some showed atypically well |
Wilson's Storm-petrel (WISP) - three different individuals were noted |
WISP - this bird (the same in all images) was moulting the outer tail feathers. Tail moult of second-years & older usually occurs Sep-Oct; in juveniles Oct-Jan |
WISP - note the extensive triangular white thigh patch: it is both wide & deep |
WISP - this bird came so close, most of it was outside the image frame! |
Pelagic 22/08/11